Worst conservative news blogs

Here are the worst conservative news blogs of the year.

Newsmax logoNewsmax

Newsmax to me feels like they’re a New York Times wannabe. I’m sorry, but that’s what I feel like. It’s a site that will keep you informed, (somewhat) and they do go off the gird quite a bit giving you facts you won’t see anywhere else, but they are extremely biased towards Donald Trump (it honestly feels like that he’s their Lord and Savior) and their articles are generally rather bland. Not really all that interesting of a site.

Forbes logoForbes

While there’s no doubt that Steve Forbes is a very conservative man, his site doesn’t very often reflect his views, in fact, it’s very liberal. They have often praise Obamacare, and Obama. Let’s not forget them pushing that GMO’s are good for you (they aren’t) and that the economy’s great and often times trying to demonize the Keystone XL Pipeline. If you want good Conservative business news, I recommend Fox Business.

Instapundit logoInstapundit

Instapundit is pretty much what it sounds like, a lot of punditry and very little real news. Seriously, if you want news, go somewhere else, you won’t find it here. It’s just a site of a few people writing pundit type articles.

Right Wing News logoRight Wing News

Right Wing News is a lot like Instapundit except that they are actually capable of posting actual news. But, its still pretty much just a bunch of pundits and people adding lots of speculation into stories and a lot of non-news. Like Instapundit, if you want real news, don’t go looking for it here.

Later, the best conservative news blogs.

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