Best liberal news blogs of the year

Here are the best liberal news blogs of the year.


This is a site that I get a lot of my news from, and do you know why? They actually have news, and high quality news. Sure, sometimes you do have to be wary of their articles (especially ones on Obamacare and their sports articles, which are almost always pieces of trash) but are generally very reliable. Yes, they do tend to lean liberal on controversial issues, but if you can get past that you have a rather reliable news source.

NBC News logoNBC News

This site isn’t generally the most reliable news site as it is rather liberal biased, but you will find some high quality news articles and stories that you won’t likely find anywhere else. This site I also get a lot of news from. While it is a pretty good site, be sure to read their articles carefully, as they are known to be biased and are famous for doing almost anything at times to push their agenda.

ABC News logoABC News

This site is a lot like NBC, except slightly more reliable. It’s isn’t quite as biased as NBC and in my experience rarely goes to all lengths to push their agenda (a few times they did would be Obamacare, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Trayvon Martin). You also see a lot of stories you won’t see anywhere else. Sadly though, it doesn’t quite have quite as many high-quality news articles as NBC has though, that is one place they fall short. It is still a rather good liberal news source.

Al Jazeera America logoAl Jazeera America

This news blog, which is generally only known as the butt of everyone’s jokes when it comes to news sources is surprisingly reliable and unbiased. Pretty much the only thing that makes them liberal is the topics they cover and that their opinion pieces are liberal. Their reporting though, very unbiased. Sure, every now and then I run across a piece of biased reporting, but when I do I’m rather shocked because they are generally very unbiased in reporting. This is a rather good news source that I get a whole lot of news from.

Tomorrow, worst and best conservative news blogs.

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