Worst movie of 2014

Ok, first off, I am not an official movie reviewer, I haven’t seen all the films that came out this year, but out the ones I’ve seen, this was the worst (quite coincidentally, it was the only bad movie I saw that came out this year):

Gods Not Dead

Allright, now, before you close out the link to this blog post and dismiss me as a militant atheist, let me explain a few things:

  1. I am a Christian
  2. I am a Christian who did not like this movie
  3. Seriously, this movie was a horrible example of Christianity

I’m not going to give you the full list of complaints. I did that to my family and they fell asleep, but here is a shortened lists of complaints:

  • The kid the movie revolves around is a miserable example of a Christian, staring and shouting down his professor, and being cocky. Yeah, GREAT witness! Everyone is flocking to you to get to Heaven. NOT. Sorry, but nobody would want to be a Christian if they saw that kid do what he did.
  • The professor was so over-the-top cartoonish it was embarrassing. Yes, militant atheists can be extremely insane, but I have yet to meet any person that crazy.

I have to give this film 2 out of 5 stars. That is, 1 star for each Newsboy’s song played.

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