Opinion: It’s long past time we stop the Food Stamps program

Originally published in Biblical Worldview Daily:

Ah, Food Stamps, the thing that helps poor people get food and all the stuff to help keep them alive. Ain’t it wonderful helping out poor people to keep them alive and give them a boost in life? Only if it were true. Sure, some people use it the way they are supposed to be used, but, sadly, they do much more harm then good. I’ve been in inner cities many times. I went to downtown Toledo, OH many times when I lived in that area, I’ve gone to downtown Fort Wayne, I’ve been to downtown Detroit, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg. What do they all have in common (along with probably every other downtown of every big city?) HUGE abuse of food stamps. Thing is, I’ll admit, probably the majority of people who use food stamps use them correctly, but the problem of abuse is big enough that they need to go. Here is the most common form of food stamp abuse:
-Trading food stamps for drugs.
That is big problem, sorry, let me rephrase that, it is a HUGE problem. I mean, it happens more than you realize. Why? There is no accountability! The govt. doesn’t check back in with people, so the people using them can pretty much do whatever they want with the stamps. The food stamps aren’t helping people out, they are keeping people down. The only way we can help people is make them accountable. The food stamps program isn’t keeping anyone accountable.

Now, here are just a few other examples I’ve seen of food stamp abuse:

  • Trading food stamps for cash
  • Lying about disabilities to say you can’t work

The govt. claims they are cracking down on this, but in my experience, they aren’t doing nothing about it. The abuse is only rising, and it’s time to stop the program.

No, there wasn’t anything wrong with last night’s press conference in Ferguson

From Biblical Worldview Daily:

“Waaaaaah!” That’s all I’m hearing from the liberal media this morning and late last night. I have heard these words used to describe last night’s press conference in Ferguson on whether Wilson would be indicted or not (for those who for some odd reason don’t know, he wasn’t indicted):

-Document dump
-A piece of bull*hit
-Justification for killing innocent lives

Never mind the facts, Michael Brown is guilty according to the liberal media. They continue to say no facts were presented, and that the prosecutor sounded like he was defending Wilson during the conference. Well, DUH!!! This was to announce he WASN’T indicted, so they had to explain why. I mean, it would make no sense whatsoever to explain why he’s guilty when they are going to announce he wasn’t indicted. Then, people went on to say he was saying it in a rather cocky tone of voice. For those who believe that, please watch a video of the conference. At no time during it did he get cocky. Oh and let’s not forget when he slammed the media and social media for making things worse. The media jumped on him for that. Guess what, he was completely correct. If the media hadn’t kept fear-mongering, or pushing violence or even covering it, the violence wouldn’t have continued. I mean, the vast majority of those being violent were from out of town, so if the media wasn’t doing all those things I mentioned earlier they wouldn’t have been joining.

Anyway, those are my 2 cents on the matter.

Want to stop the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving? Here’s how

Originally published in Biblical Worldview Daily:

For a long time I liked to slam the commercialization of Christmas, and then last year when stores started opening up on Thanksgiving, I got outraged. But not too long ago I was sitting in my anger reading an article of all the stores that will be open this Black Thanksgiving about how it was getting so commercial and how they were taking family-time away from these workers. And then, a thought struck me, “maybe it’s not that big of a deal after all.” First off, before I get to how to stop the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving, let me explain why you shouldn’t be outraged by the commercialization of the holidays.

  • First off, the workers working on Thanksgiving and Christmas get paid extra. The workers that are working those holidays WANT to be there. Sure, some stores are requiring workers to be there, but you shouldn’t (and they shouldn’t) be outraged, and that leads me to my next point…
  • Who seriously celebrates Thanksgiving? I know what you’re thinking “um, everyone here in America does, except for those boneheads who shop on Thanksgiving.” Well, guess what, if you’re an average American, you probably don’t actually celebrate it. Thanksgiving is supposed to be about being together with family and/or friends and being thankful, but let’s be honest, we all say that’s what Thanksgiving means to us, but that’s not true. On Thanksgiving morning the first thing we do is turn on the TV to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Then, it’s on to the NFL games all afternoon and evening. Then the lady’s go out in the evening to go Black Thanksgiving or Black Friday shopping. So, what it’s really about is TV and shopping. So please stop pretending it’s a sacred holiday. It’s nothing like what we pretend it is.
  • And you can pretty much say the same for Christmas. Once the morning is over, the guys turn on the TV to watch NBA Christmas Day games all afternoon and evening. The morning is the only time when we actually do what we say we do on Christmas. It’s not much of a holiday either.

Now, let’s get to what this opinion piece is titled for, how to stop the commercialization of Thanksgiving and Christmas. It’s rather simple, don’t go Christmas shopping, AT ALL. You cannot, and I mean, CANNOT stop the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving without not buying a single Christmas present. Thing is, the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving is intertwined, most of your shopping is done closer to Thanksgiving than Christmas. So, what I’m saying is, if you don’t shop for Christmas presents, you’ll stop the commercialization of Christmas and Thanksgiving. If you’re not prepared to do that, then please, stop whining about the commercialization of the two holidays.

EXCLUSIVE: Glamour Magazine did what?!

Well, first off, a disclaimer. This is not an exclusive news story, this only an exclusive opinion piece, that is, you will only find this opinion piece by me on this blog, and not on any of my other ones. There, now that I have that out of the way, let’s start.

That “girl” up there is Nicole Maines. When you look at “her” you’d think “she” is a normal “girl.” But “she” is not. “She” is a transgender. “She” was born a male. “She” is considered the face of the transgender movement and has been praised by all who support the evil LGBT movement. Today I’m not going to slam “her” for being transgender. No, instead, I’m slamming Glamour Magazine for what they did about “her”. They put “her” in their “Women of the Year” list. That would be nice, if “she” was actually a woman! Thing is, “she” is a male whether “she” likes it or not. I don’t care what you cut off or how much makeup you put on, or how much estrogen you put into your body, it doesn’t change who you are. Your chromosomes stay the same. That’s what determines your gender, not what you decide your gender to be. I could decided one day that I wanted to be a tree and went around telling people I’m a tree, but does that make me a tree? No, I’m still human, and that applies for genders too. So, anyway, Glamour needs to take “her” off their “Women of the Year” list.

Adrian Peterson has been suspended without pay, and that is outrageous

Originally published in Biblical Worldview Daily:

So, for those of you who read my old blog “James Beckham Today,” you know that I was outraged when Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson where originally suspended. And today, news is out that Adrian Peterson has been suspended without pay by the NFL. I am completely outraged. This is a ridiculous move by the NFL made only to please the political correctness police. Roger Goodell attempted to justify it by saying “he has shown no meaningful remorse.” Well, duh! He grew up believing that being slapped with a switch was appropriate, because his dad did it to him. So, why wouldn’t he think that it’s wrong? In addition to that, Adrian is completely justified with using a switch on his son. Thing is, being spanked DOES make you a better person, as long as it isn’t your number one form of punishment, and it has shown throughout Adrian’s life. Heck, my parents spanked me when I was a baby, and my grandma literally made me put soap in my mouth whenever I said a bad word. Guess what, I’m a better person because of those actions. This spanking thing is just another part of the left’s war on discipline. And it’s outrageous that the NFL went along with it.

We (as Christians) should support opening the border and support Amnesty

From Biblical Worldview Daily:

For those of you who have been following me for a while, you probably know that I have been a proponent of closing the border and sending back all the illegals. Well, recently, I had a revelation. It came during a discussion with my dad. So, it was pretty late at night (a little after midnight) and we were talking (something we don’t do a lot) and we started on the topic of illegal immigration. And during that, he brought me a new perspective on illegal immigration that I had never considered before and I realized is what we need to do. Open the border. Thing is, most of you reading this are Christians, as well as I, and my dad used the Bible. In Matthew 25:35-40 (NIV) it says this:
35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

Guess what, these immigrants are human beings, people brought to us. God was in control, and he has brought them to us, for us to take care of them. God expects us to feed them, give them drink, to invite them in, to clothe them, to make them well and to visit those who are in prison or are in the places they keep the immigrants on the border. That’s what is expected of us Christians. I mean, just imagine yourself in front of God on the day of judgement, do you honestly believe God will reward you for building a wall on the border or throwing them back over the border? If you say yes, please refer to the verses above.

Thing is, people in Central America have no lives. They work all day, and don’t have a future. You either get starved to death, join a drug cartel, or go off on a very dangerous journey to America for a better life. It’s not good there. We are the most powerful nation on Earth, and are surrounded by extremely poor nations, and we aren’t supposed to help them? No, God put us here to help them. So let’s do it. Because of that, I am supporting this executive amnesty that Obama is doing (which Reagan and Bush did too) and support opening the border.

Opinion: Nurses on strike over Ebola need to shut up and get back to work

Originally posted on Biblical Worldview Daily:

I am not a licensed doctor (though I am a better doctor than most of the licensed doctors who just prescribe a pill to you for every single stinking thing), but I am going to show you an example of what stupid nurses look like. Today on the Huffington Puffington (Huffington Post) I saw this article. My isn’t that for such a good cause? Sorry, but it’s not. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. They are screaming for the CDC to do more about Ebola. SERIOUSLY? The CDC, the agency that cannot make up it’s mind about anything when it comes to well, anything?? How about you shut up and do something about it yourselves? Research on it or buy your own gear. Don’t expect the govt. to do everything for you. That’s lazy and awful. Don’t give the govt. more control than it already has.
  2. Shut up already. It’s your job to put yourself in danger to save others. I don’t think that they would like it if they had Ebola, and all the nurses were on strike or refused to work on them because “they didn’t have the proper gear and training.” Shut up and get back to work. Your job is to save other people’s lives, even when your own is at risk.

It’s sad that it’s come to this. People no longer care about saving others, even when it’s their job. If you refuse to try to save someone’s life because it could put your life in danger, you should not be in the medical field of work. It’s not for you.

Will a Republican Senate do any good?

Originally posted in The Beckham Post:

So, today is midterms as you probably (and hopefully) know. Today is the day when we all need to go out there and vote Conservative (and hopefully you were planning on it). But, this morning, I was doing some serious thinking. And while I was thinking, I was trying to think of the downsides of having a Republican Congress. And, believe it or not, I thought of one. In addition to Glenn Beck’s warning yesterday, I would like to add a bit. In it, Glenn implied that Obama would ram some things through via executive order. Well, I would like to change that to saying Obama will sign an executive order to EVERYTHING he wants passed if Republicans take the Senate. Now, am I saying don’t vote Conservative? No! I’m hoping if Republicans do we can finally start the impeachment hearings, but remember, that either way, our nation could be in big trouble unless we get Obama impeached quickly.

The dead are voting tomorrow!

Originally posted in The Beckham Post:

Most of us probably know how the Democrats commit lots of voter fraud, whether it’s by letting non-citizens vote, having the dead vote, or rigging machines to have it vote for them. They can’t win elections without fraud! And yesterday and today my suspicions were confirmed about the dead voting in these midterms. Joe Biden said that the Democrats will keep the Senate, which any of us following polls know it’s the most likely to happen, so many people, of course, asked “What does Biden know that we don’t?” And then, today, the White House also said that they believe the Democrats will keep the Senate. So, people, expect the dead to vote tomorrow!